Monday, January 19, 2009

Update on Elder Millett

So i figure i have been talking a lot about myself i guess its time to tell you guys how kyle is doing. these are a couple pictures that elder radmall gave me that i thought were really good. i love the one of kyle sleeping during scripture study. typical kyle always taking a nap. the others are of a guy they baptized and them with their comps at the temple. i have other pics that ill put up to show you what kyle is up to. for right now though kyle has been having a hard time. he is feeling a little homesick and he has a really hard comp that doesnt really do anything so kyle does all the teaching and its starting to wear him out. hes feeling exhausted but kyle is a strong missionary and hes very positive so hes gonna be fine. kyle is also the district leader so he needs to be an example to all the other missionaries. hes working really hard and being a DL is keeping him really busy. he also just got my christmas package a couple weeks ago and he loved it!! he really liked the calendar i made him as well as the tie and volcom shirt. kyles obsessed with volcom so i knew he would love that but im glad it got to him alright and hes enjoying it. other than that kyle is doing great he is really leaning on the lord right now and putting his trust in him. please keep kyle in your prayers though he needs all the support he can get.

1 comment:

Audra said...

I'm glad Kyle is doing well. He will be hoome before you know it!