Monday, January 19, 2009

Update on Elder Millett

So i figure i have been talking a lot about myself i guess its time to tell you guys how kyle is doing. these are a couple pictures that elder radmall gave me that i thought were really good. i love the one of kyle sleeping during scripture study. typical kyle always taking a nap. the others are of a guy they baptized and them with their comps at the temple. i have other pics that ill put up to show you what kyle is up to. for right now though kyle has been having a hard time. he is feeling a little homesick and he has a really hard comp that doesnt really do anything so kyle does all the teaching and its starting to wear him out. hes feeling exhausted but kyle is a strong missionary and hes very positive so hes gonna be fine. kyle is also the district leader so he needs to be an example to all the other missionaries. hes working really hard and being a DL is keeping him really busy. he also just got my christmas package a couple weeks ago and he loved it!! he really liked the calendar i made him as well as the tie and volcom shirt. kyles obsessed with volcom so i knew he would love that but im glad it got to him alright and hes enjoying it. other than that kyle is doing great he is really leaning on the lord right now and putting his trust in him. please keep kyle in your prayers though he needs all the support he can get.


i finally went back to school after having a break for 2 weeks. it was so nice to have a break and get away for awhile but now its time to get focused on school again. its been a hard transition getting back into school but im doing alright. i have had a lot of clients since i have been back so its been making the time go by really fast. i have had a lot of people coming in for highlights so i am doing those a lot lately and im actually getting a lot better at them. im still slow but they are turning out really nice. i had 4 highlight in a row that week and it was starting to get really old. i want to do something different so that i can work on my skill but its alright color is what makes you the most money so i gotta get really good at it. i also have been doing a couple haircuts that trun out pretty good and then just a couple styles and pedicures. they have been keeping me busy so its nice. it makes the week go by really fast which is always a good thing. i had my first saturday back and it was a killer!! its hard going in on saturday but it was a really good day for tips thats for sure! i made 26 bucks in tips with only 3 clients so it was awesome!! i did a color, a style, and an updo. i also sold product!!! selling product is huge so i was proud of myself. school is really good right now im finally building my confidence in it and im really enjoying it.

Elder Radmall is home!

Linz and I went to vegas a couple weekends ago to see the famous elder radmall kyle has always been telling me about! he was kyles companion for about 3 months and they became best friends. tyler is a great guy and he had some really fun stories to tell linz and i about kyle. the 3 of us went to lunch on saturday and all we did was tell stories back and forth about kyle. it made me miss him but at the same time i couldnt help but smile. tyler was saying that kyle is a great missionary and he is always so positive even though things suck at the time. tyler and kyle had a lot of fun together and they both realy miss each other. they are gonna have a lot of fun once kyle gets home. they plan on staying buddies forever which i think is a good idea so im excited for them. tyler also gave me my christmas gifts from kyle and i was so excited!!! kyle got me some jewlery, a soccer jersey, and a nametag! he did such a good job i loved it all!!! tyler did an awesome job on his homecoming talk. he told a story about kyle so that made me laugh. overall the trip was a blast linz and i had a really good time.


So i was able to go home for christmas. i got to vegas on the 19th so i was there for tiffs bday. to celebrate her bday we went to outback and had brownies. so good i loved it! she got a wii fit and im so jealous cuz that thing is awesome i had so much fun playing on it. hint hint dad i want one. lol chrictmas eve we went to my grandparents house for dinner and that is always fun. tiff brought roxy and mia is so cute with her! she kept feeding roxy food and in order to get mia to eat we had to treat her like roxy. it was funny! shes such a cute little girl i love mia. when we went back home tiff and i got the traditional pajamas and we watched a christmas story. its a classic my family loves that movie! christmas morning we woke up and opened presents and to my surprise i got a WII!!!! i was so excitded i had no idea i was going to get one!!! i also got some clothes and some fun stuff for school!! who would have thought a hair dryer, hair clips, and capes would be so exciting but they are for me!! thanks tiff!! christmas was a blast and i got to spend it with my family so that made it even better. my family is so awesome it always sucks when i have to come back to good ol utah. i stayed in vegas for about 10 days so it was really nice. i love being able to sleep in my own bed and have my moms cooking and its just great i love being home in vegas. i wasnt able to stay for new years cuz i had to be in a fashion show for school. it was this huge thing that my school had been working on for months so it was a big deal. i was one of the models and it was a lot of fun. the outfit wasnt really my style but its all good i still had fun. it was a lot of hard work putting the show together but it turned out great and everyone seemed to enjoy it! after the show my friends and i stayed for the dance and david archeletta performed and so did ashley tisdale. it was awesome. we had a good time but i did miss kyle once it hit midnight cuz everyone was getting their new years kiss and i was just chillin there. i thought of him though so i guess thats as good as it was gonna get. lol it was a good night thouhg i had a lot of fun with my girl friends.


so this is m first winter in utah and can i just tell you now that I HATE THE SNOW!!! the first time it snowed and i had to drive in it was the scariest experience of my life!! i live up on a HUGE hill and driving down is scary! someone ran their car into the poll at the bottom of it so its of course that freaked me out cuz everyone who knows me knows that i am not the best driver so with my luck i would be the next one running into that poll! luckly i made it down the hill ok but the streets are covered in ice so your car loses traction and you slide around! so as i am driving i call my dad asked him how to drive in snow and the first thing he said was GET OFF THE PHONE! i know im stupid right!?!? haha but he told me that i just need to drive slow (thats a task for me cuz i love to speed), give yourself enough room between cars, and when you slide turn the wheel the direction you are sliding ( that makes no sence to me!!). so the first time my car slides im in a parking lot at school and im freakin out cuz there are cars all around me and im gonna hit one of them but i didnt so thats good. pretty much i just hate snow and walking in it sucks too cuz i fall all the time and i slip on the ice and it scares me.


ok so i have been yelled at by many people that i havent updated my blog and i know i have been really bad at it but i feel like nothing has really been going on thats exciting to share. its been since November so ill think of whats been going on since then. for thanksgiving my parents, tiff and i went to san diego to spend the holiday with my uncle paul and his family. i love when we hang out with them cuz we always have such a good time. we got there on thanksgiving day and when we got there it was time to chow down on the yummy food. the food was great as always and after we ate it was time for the turkey bowl! its a tradition to play football and this time my team won and the kids got MVP!! yeah thats right we kicked butt this year!! my ucle always says that every trip we need to do something educational so the next day we piled everyone up and went to sea world!!! thats educational right? lol it was so much fun i love watching all the shows they always amaze me! we went with all the kids too so it was cute seeing them all get excited. i swear i was just as excited as the kids!! they also have this new water ride there that is pretty fun but after getting wet and it being a really cold day we decided it was time to leave. the rest of the time we just hung out and played games. we played how to host a murder and i didnt really wanna play at first but i had so much fun with it i wanted to play more!! overall the trip was a blast. i love getting time to spend with my family cuz they all so goofy and we just cant help but have a good time.