Monday, January 19, 2009


So i was able to go home for christmas. i got to vegas on the 19th so i was there for tiffs bday. to celebrate her bday we went to outback and had brownies. so good i loved it! she got a wii fit and im so jealous cuz that thing is awesome i had so much fun playing on it. hint hint dad i want one. lol chrictmas eve we went to my grandparents house for dinner and that is always fun. tiff brought roxy and mia is so cute with her! she kept feeding roxy food and in order to get mia to eat we had to treat her like roxy. it was funny! shes such a cute little girl i love mia. when we went back home tiff and i got the traditional pajamas and we watched a christmas story. its a classic my family loves that movie! christmas morning we woke up and opened presents and to my surprise i got a WII!!!! i was so excitded i had no idea i was going to get one!!! i also got some clothes and some fun stuff for school!! who would have thought a hair dryer, hair clips, and capes would be so exciting but they are for me!! thanks tiff!! christmas was a blast and i got to spend it with my family so that made it even better. my family is so awesome it always sucks when i have to come back to good ol utah. i stayed in vegas for about 10 days so it was really nice. i love being able to sleep in my own bed and have my moms cooking and its just great i love being home in vegas. i wasnt able to stay for new years cuz i had to be in a fashion show for school. it was this huge thing that my school had been working on for months so it was a big deal. i was one of the models and it was a lot of fun. the outfit wasnt really my style but its all good i still had fun. it was a lot of hard work putting the show together but it turned out great and everyone seemed to enjoy it! after the show my friends and i stayed for the dance and david archeletta performed and so did ashley tisdale. it was awesome. we had a good time but i did miss kyle once it hit midnight cuz everyone was getting their new years kiss and i was just chillin there. i thought of him though so i guess thats as good as it was gonna get. lol it was a good night thouhg i had a lot of fun with my girl friends.

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