While we were in St George our nephew was born!! He was born on July 7, 2011 at 8:35 pm. The big boy was 9 lbs 10 ozs. Natalie was induced at 4 am that morning and after being in labor for 16 hours the doctor decided that the only way he was coming out was if they went in and got him. The c-section was scheduled for 8 pm that night and 35 mins later Max was here!! Natalie and Max are home now and they are doing great!! He is such a sweet little boy! He has the cutest chubby cheeks i have ever seen!! I am one proud aunt thats for sure! This little boy is the first grandchild in the family so we are all so excited hes here. He is one very loved baby and we cant wait to spoil him!!!
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
2 weeks ago