Thursday, May 5, 2011

My New Obsession

My new obsession is going to body pump classes at LVAC! I am in love with it!! My sister in law told me about it and now im hooked!! The class works everything!! It consists of a lot of arm workouts, squats, lunges, abs, everything!! The first time I took the class I walked out being SO SORE!! It totally kicked my butt!! It's a good thing though and I love being sore after a good workout!! I totally recommend going to this class it's so much fun and you will LOVE it!!


Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Body Pump? I have never heard of that, but the title alone sounds great! I should look for this :)

Annalies said...

I'm pretty sure I want to try this body pump thing. And I'm pretty sure your blog is super cute. And I'm pretty sure its been a long time since we have talked. We should talk...we are cousins.

Kim said...

HAha bib I flippin love you to pieces!!! Can we please talk more often cuz I should hear whats going on in your life from you not gpa. Lol love you cousin!!!