So I was reading my friend Alyssa's blog and she made a post about the things she is grateful for and I thought it was a really good idea with Thanksgiving right around the corner so im gonna steal the idea and do it myself. First of all i am so grateful for my parents they have always been so supportive of me and even though i can be a little brat at times they always make it known that they love me and i hope one day i can be that great of a parent to my kids. I am gratful for my sister tiffany growing up her and i never got along but now shes one of best friends and i love her to death. she always finds time in her busy schedule working 3 jobs to text me or call me just to see how i am doing and i love her for that. she is so giving and loving and i wish i could be as amazing as she is. I am also grateful for my brother Matthew he just recently passed the bar and i am so proud of him. he has always been such a great brother to me and he always knows how to make me laugh. Im SOOOOO grateful for my fiance Kyle he puts up with all my crap and loves me anyways. hes my best friend and he knows just what to do to brighten my day when im sad and i love him with all my heart and i am so lucky to be marrying such an amazing guy. I am truly grateful he was put into my life. My friends because they have always been there for me no matter what time of day it is, my extended family cuz life is always full of laughter when they are around, and Im also grateful for a having a job with the economy the way that it is, my car even though the whole passengers side is ghetto it runs, my phone cuz i would be lost without it my parents say its my life, my clothes cuz they keep me warm now that its getting cold, a house for the same reason, food cuz i love to eat, my education, the knowledge of the gospel and the happiness it brings into my life and that i can be with my family for eternity, and i am especially grateful for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and for the love they have for me because i know they know me personally and want me to be happy and i am so grateful they have given me such an amazing life with wonderful people in it.